Intern Blog: What’s it like interning at Fili Creative?
When my marketing professor told me there was an internship opportunity that was “perfect for me”, I was terrified. I’d only heard about internships in the movies: The overworked, highly-caffeinated college kid who does admin work and goes on coffee runs for the employees, all for free. That’s as far as my knowledge on internships went. However, as I learned more and started my very own internship, all of the doubts in my head started to vanish.
I found that internships are more than just dirty work and free labor. During my time at FILI, I have been entrusted with numerous projects and completed important tasks. Everything I’ve done so far at FILI has had a purpose and served the goals of the company in some way. To increase our exposure and showcase our wide range of projects, I set up and recorded interviews with FILI staff talking about their experiences during production of their favorite projects. Coordinating a project this size has helped me develop my organization, time-management and communication skills. Setting up and talking with the employees really helped me further my understanding of the equipment and techniques used in the industry, which has definitely given me a boost since I’m simultaneously covering these topics in my video production classes at Kansas Wesleyan University.
Speaking of college, it has been incredibly useful to learn the theory in class, but hands-on, practical experiences are something which have immense value. For example, I’m taking a class on consumer behavior, where we discuss the type of things which appeal to consumers and how to grab their attention. At FILI, I’m in charge of creating engaging posts which do just that. Having to apply the knowledge in a dynamic workplace with high expectations and deadlines is a completely different beast. For example, I grew our social media reach by 165.4% and follow through rates on links by 131.5% in the last month. I did this by taking what I’ve learned and adapting it to FILI. While I have experience in this field, doing it at this scale and intensity has been a great learning curve for me, and it hasn’t been easy. The high standards I need to meet are challenging but enjoyable at the same time!
It’s important to mention that I’m also meeting course requirements and receiving credits. Thanks to the internship, I’m gaining valuable knowledge and contributing to a company, while also working towards gaining my degree. I used to work at the cafeteria at the college, which was my main source of income, but now I have an opportunity where I earn money and more importantly, valuable experience.
Internships, in terms of employability, are definitely something important to consider. In today’s competitive job market, an internship may be the difference between landing the job you want, or it going to someone else. Employers consider internships to be valuable, and many places already require some sort of experience. Completing an internship shows proactivity and adaptability, which are both desirable soft skills that employers look for.
In addition to this, it’s possible to have fun and actually enjoy working! At FILI, the staff are incredibly welcoming and friendly. As someone with little to no knowledge of videography, I expected them to look down on me, but quite the opposite is happening: they have taken me under their wing and are actively helping me, answering any questions I have (and I definitely have some ridiculous ones). The chance to collaborate with experts in their respective fields not only teaches me specialist knowledge, but also teamwork and communication. I didn’t even mention the incredible systems which FILI utilize, all of which I have the opportunity to learn and practice on.
I also sat down with my friend (and former neighbor) Thalia, who interned at FILI before I did. She told me that after completing 3 internships and the odd freelance job, her internship with FILI was her most resourceful: “What I noticed is that other internships aren’t as hands-on and working with full time staff in other places is not as common as it is at FILI.” When we discussed what her favorite part of the internship was, she told me “How willing every staff member was to help me learn and grow my skills.” Upon reflection, I found I’m experiencing this firsthand: for FILI staff this is more than just a job; they are genuinely passionate and care about what they do here.
In conclusion, my experience at FILI has really shifted my perspective on internships. Rather than the stereotypical portrayal of tedious tasks and long hours, my time here is filled with meaningful work, opportunities to lead, and collaboration with professionals. The combination of classroom theory and practical experience has enhanced my understanding of marketing, while the hands-on projects have helped me develop both hard and soft skills that will be invaluable when I transition into the professional world. Today I feel that internships are not just a stepping stone, but an essential part of building a successful career.
You too can enhance your career prospects and gain valuable knowledge by applying to the Summer Internship program at FILI!
Written by Darius Horvath